This one has been hyped to buggery so I was certainly keen to catch an episode. So far it strikes me as a bit of a soapie about uber-cool shallow Melbourne types hanging out in bars and sleeping around. So far... so Secret Life of Us. It's very well cast, but the writing doesn't always hit the mark. Scenarios sometimes feel a bit contrived, and (maybe its just me but..) its not really as funny as you may think from the promos - more soap than comedy really. Here's hoping the internal monologue voice-over fad dies pretty damn soon - is it just me or does listening to a protagonist agonize over his/her issues sound like Bjork in an eggbeater? (I'm not just talking about this series.) At the moment, it feels a bit like it's been done before and done better. But maybe given time the show might have something new to say. Not so much my thing, but preferable to the asinine intellectual vacuum of Big Brother. Whatever happens it certainly should get a chance to hit its stride, doesn't deserve the "Cooks" treatment - ie. given two weeks to succeed and then relegated to the graveyard shift.