It all starts when Great Ipakchi (Atash Taghipoor) begins to feel guilt while dying! 25 years ago the wedding celebration of old man daughter was interrupted by him due to his sense of being... Read allIt all starts when Great Ipakchi (Atash Taghipoor) begins to feel guilt while dying! 25 years ago the wedding celebration of old man daughter was interrupted by him due to his sense of being stubborn. his Son-in-law (Jamal Ejlali) is jailed after couple of years and her wife dies... Read allIt all starts when Great Ipakchi (Atash Taghipoor) begins to feel guilt while dying! 25 years ago the wedding celebration of old man daughter was interrupted by him due to his sense of being stubborn. his Son-in-law (Jamal Ejlali) is jailed after couple of years and her wife dies while giving birth to their daughter, Afsane (Anahita Nemati). the father is released aft... Read all