Avian Studies for the Alpine Oilfield (1998-2024)
The Alpine Development Project is the first North Slope oilfield development to occur west of the Kuparuk Oilfield and the first on the Colville Delta. ConocoPhillips Alaska,... -
Caribou Monitoring for Bear Tooth Unit (2018-2024)
The caribou monitoring study for the Bear Tooth Unit (BTU) area was conducted on the Arctic Coastal Plain of northern Alaska in the northeastern portion of the National... -
Nuiqsut Air Quality Monitoring Program Annual Reports (1999-2024)
Since April 9, 1999 (prior to construction of the Alpine Central Processing Facility), CPAI has operated an ambient air quality and dispersion meteorology monitoring station in... -
Shorebird Monitoring in the Willow Project Area (2021-2024)
The NPR-A supports the largest concentration of aquatic birds of any portion of the Arctic Coastal Plain. The Willow Project land rezone (North Slope Borough Ordinance... -
Caribou Use of the Greater Kuparuk Area, Northern Alaska (2018-2024)
This study investigated the distribution, abundance, and calf production of Central Arctic Herd (CAH) caribou between the Colville and Kuparuk rivers in northern Alaska,... -
Kaktovik Ambient Air Monitoring Annual Data Summary Reports, 2022-2024
The Kaktovik Ambient Air Monitoring Project (KAAMP) equipment was installed in October 2021. Collection of valid meteorological, gaseous, and particulate matter (PM) data... -
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Near the Village of Nuiqsut, Alaska (2014-2024)
A study began in February 2014 to determine if VOC concentrations could be detected in the ambient air in and near Nuiqsut, Alaska. An additional study objective was to evaluate... -
Eider Surveys (1994-2024)
Spectacled Eiders and Steller's Eiders occur on the Colville River Delta and are listed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) as threatened species under the Endangered... -
Colville River Delta Region Spring Breakup Monitoring Hydrological Assessment (1998-2024)
These reports present the observations and results from the Colville River Delta CRD) Spring Breakup Monitoring and Hydrological Assessment for the Alpine Facilities. In the... -
ConocoPhillips Environmental Field Study Summaries (2020-2024)
Each year ConocoPhillips conducts scientific field studies throughout the Colville River and northeastern National Petroleum Reserve – Alaska (NPR-A) on the North Slope of... -
Tiŋmiaqsiugvik River and Willow Area Fish Sampling (2020-2023)
This report documents the results of fish sampling in the Tiŋmiaqsiugvik River drainage (also known as the Ublutuoch River). The primary goals of this effort was to determine... -
Nuiqsut Caribou Subsistence Monitoring (2009-2024)
The Nuiqsut Caribou Monitoring Project was based on research conducted by Stephen R. Braund & Associates (SRB&A) under contract to ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc. (COP).... -
Fish Surveys and Subsistence Reports for Colville River and Vicinity (1985-2023)
These reports summarizes work to monitor fall subsistence fisheriues on Colville River. In addition reports for Ublutuoch, Fish Creek and the Helmricks winter fishery are... -
Polar Bear Maternal Den FLIR Reports (2009-2024)
The reports provide result of FLIR surveys to locate maternal polar bear dens in the vicinity of ongoing and planned industrial operations on the North Slope. -
Willow Spring Breakup and Summer Monitoring & Hydrological Assessment (2018-2023)
These reports present the results from the Willow Spring Breakup and Summer Monitoring and Hydrological Assessment. This monitoring and hydrological assessment supports the... -
ASDP and GMT Caribou Monitoring Reports (2005-2023)
The caribou monitoring study for the Alpine Satellite Development Program (ASDP) and Greater Moose's Tooth (GMT) Unit is being conducted on the Arctic Coastal Plain of northern... -
Avian Studies in the Willow Project Area (2017-2023)
In 2017, ABR began conducting Spectacled Eider prenesting surveys and Yellow-billed Loon nest and brood surveys in the Willow Project area of the NE NPR-A in support of... -
ASRC Mine Site Dewatering Project, Rolligon Disturbance (2013-2023)
In August 2013, ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc. (CPAI) conducted tundra travel using rolligons as part of an effort to dewater the Arctic Slope Regional Corporation (ASRC) Mine... -
North Slope Infrastructure (V13): Roads, Pipelines and Developed Areas - Update 03/22/2023
This North Slope infrastructure GIS dataset includes roads (line), pipelines (line) and developed areas (polygon) as separate feature classes. Downloads are in shapefile and... -
Survey of Lakes in ConocoPhillips Activity Areas (2018-2022)
The purpose of these studies was to estimate the volume of water available for winter industrial use and to document fish presence in lakes that may be used to support...