[Database components][Label components][Edit, Button and Panel components][Other components]

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Delphi freeware SMComponent library
(download a SMCMPNT package with sources - 355K)

1. Database components

Link: smdbgrid.htm The successor TDBGrid with the extended features. Allow to display multi-line wordwrap column titles, a convenient select of records from the keyboard, an opportunity to exclude insert and delete of records in the DBGrid, own standard PopupMenu, fixing of columns, save/restore of a column states, processing of additional events etc.
Download: smcmpnt.zip (480K)
Link: smdbgset.htm This component is a visual dialog which allows to change the TDBGrid settings in run-time. The end-users of your applications can easy and quickly to modify the any column parameters (caption, fonts, alignments, colors, order using drag'n'drop etc).
You can hide the wished fields from end-user and control the modifications.
Supports the any successor of TCustomDBGrid type. Multi-language resources.
Download: smdbgset.zip (25K)
Link: smdbfltr.htm This component is a visual dialog which allows to change the TDataset filter property in run-time like MS Outlook filter form. Also you can use this component for generation of the string value (for WHERE clause in SQL or FIND string). The end-users of your applications can easy and quickly to modify the wished conditions.
You can hide the wished fields from end-user and control the modifications.
Supports the any successor of TDataset type. Multilanguage resources.
Download: smdbfltr.zip (25K)
Link: smdbnavigator.htm The successor TDBNavigator with the extended opportunities. The additional buttons for search, filter of the data, print, export, choice of record (choice and clear) and copying of record are added. Also on the button it is possible to arrange not only glyph, but also caption.
Download: smdbnav.zip (27K)
Link: smdbacc.htm This component allows to have the dbnavigator a-la MS Access.
Download: smdbacc.zip (3K)
Link: exportds.htm This component allows to make export given from TDataSet or TDBGrid to the tables of a format Paradox and DBase or in a text file (fixed or comma-delimited), HTML, Excel and Word. For exporting of the data from DBGrid in HTML, Excel or Word the information DBGrid (width of columns, colors, fonts, selected records etc.) is transferred as much as possible.
Download: SMExport
Link: htmlexportds.htm This component allows to make export given from TDataSet or TDBGrid to HTML-file. For exporting of the data from DBGrid the information DBGrid (width of columns, colors, fonts, selected records etc.) is transferred as much as possible. It's possible to set a pattern of a HTML-file, in which body the table with data will be inserted.
Download: SMExport
Link: smdbfind.htm This component is intended for realization of search of record in TDataSet on the given conditions. It is possible to display dialog of the task of search conditions or to search for record without showing of dialog.
Download: smdbfind.zip (20K)
Link: smdbcb.htm This component is a TDBComboBox but in addition it have a Values property: you can view in drop-down list a one items list (Items), but in TDataSource you get a value from second list (Values). I use it for item selection from fixed list of some codes but users work with native strings.
Download: smdbcombo.zip (6K)
Link: smdbcb.htm This component is a extended TSMDBFilterComboBox with possibility to add an additional item (All records) at beginning of displayed record list. I uses this component for visual record selection.
The item list will be generated from any linked dataset and, of course, the list will be updated after any dataset changes.
Download: smdbcombo.zip (6K)

2. Label components

Link: anglelbl.htm The successor TCustomLabel with the extended opportunities. Is able to display the text under any angle. This component allows to change a horizontal alignment and vertical layout.
PS As against all seen by me similar the component, TAngleLabel correctly works with Alignment and Layout properties.
Download: anglelbl.zip (7K)
Link: hllbl.htm This is a compound component including a label and image. In OnMouseEnter event turn on a active glyph and in OnMouseLeave event turn on a passive glyph.
Download: smhllbl.zip (8K)
Link: urllbl.htm This component is analog of a WWW-label, on clicking on which Internet Explorer/Netscape Navigator(established by default), or post program etc. is started.
Download: smurlbl.zip (7K)
Link: smoneystr.htm This component gives an opportunity of reception from numeric value to its verbal string. The opportunity of the task of currency (US dollars, DM, UAH, ukrainian karbovanets and Russian roubles), language of translation (English, German, Spain, Russian, Ukrainian) and types of number translation in a string is realized.
Download: moneystr.zip (10K)
Link: runtext.htm This component is a marquee/baner label. You can define a direction of the marquee (diLeftToRight, diRightToLeft, diTopToBottom, diBottomToTop), style (slNormal, slLowered, slRaised), layout (tlTop, tlCenter, tlBottom), speed, counter or continuous repeat.
Download: runtext.zip (7K)

3. Edit, Button and Panel components

Link: edittyped.htm The successor TCustomMaskEdit with the extended opportunities. Is able to check a type of the data, entered by the user (integer/number/string/date/time/post code/phone), to limit to its by min/max values, to set an alignment. Also it is possible to add the button with glyph to right of the line of input.
Download: edittype.zip (20K)
Link: conerbtn.htm This component is a new beautiful button. It is a extension of the TBitBtn component, which allows display a caption and glyph. Also I added a few properties for "slope" in any button coner and turn on/off a "lamp" in this coner.
Download: conerbtn.zip (18K)
Link: convexbtn.htm This component is a new beautiful button. It is a extension of the TBitBtn component, which allows display a caption and glyph. It look like IBM-button.
Download: conerbtn.zip (18K)
Link: smgradient.htm Extended button with gradient background. You may change the style for color transitions and start/end colors.
Download: smcmpnt.zip (480K)
Link: gradientpnl.htm This component display a gradient beginning with a chosen color ColorFrom and ending with another chosen color ColorTo. Also it's a possible to set a strips count for color change, each of which in regular intervals reduces or increases (depending on a Direction) color scale.
Download: gradpnl.zip (5K)
Link: smbevel.htm The successor TBevel with the extended features. In addition to standard styles is able to display simple lines (not raised and not lowered). New figures also are added: diagonal lines and beautiful in-out frame. At all lines it is possible to include display of an arrow and to set its kind, sizes and place of display.
Download: smbevel.zip (11K)
TSMPanel & TSMBox
Link: smbox.htm It's a compound component with TSMBox (panel with caption and glyphs) in items. Each of them can open/close including a self controls (like component panel in the Microsoft Outlook).
Download: smbox.zip (10K)
Link: scrolltb.htm This component is a TToolbar with extended opportunities: is able to scrolling a ToolButtons (like Delphi Component Palette)
Download: scrltool.zip (5K)
TSMButton & TSMCheckBox & TSMRadioButton
Link: smmulti.htm It's a set of the controls with wordwrap caption. This set include: TSMButton, TSMCheckBox, TSMRadioButton.
Download: smmulti.zip (3K)
Link: systembar.htm You can use this component like system status bar with display of some system parameters:
  • time (with custom format)
  • date (with custom format)
  • status of keys (NumLock, Caps-Lock, Scroll-Lock)
  • used memory (in %)
  • size of free memory (in Kb)
  • size of available memory (in Kb)
  • size of free virtual memory (in Kb)
  • size of available virtual memory (in Kb)
  • size of free memory in Windows SWAP-file (in Kb)
  • size of memory in Windows SWAP-file (in Kb)
Download: sysbar.zip (3K)
Link: smruler.htm TSMRuler is a component for Delphi. This ruler can be displayed in a horizontal or vertical direction. It has properties which allow automatic displaying of current position indicator and measurement markers (centimeters/inches/pixels). Also TSMRuler has a margins (start/end) and offsets (start/end).
Download: smruler.zip (7K)
TAnalogSensor & TStopLightSensor
Link: sensors.htm TAnalogSensor and TStopLightSensor is a native Delphi components. These components gives an opportunity to display a some value as analog graph or stoplight with "red"/"yellow" levels. As example, you can control the some system parameters and display a warnings - like Norton Utilities system agent. Also included the useful additional properties, methods and events. I use these components in own GENERAL project - decision support system (DSS) for oil-transport management.
Download: sensors.zip (3K)
  TSMVersionInfo allows to retrieve the information about executable file or dynamic library/package (*.exe, *.dll, *.bpl, *.dpl, *.ocx etc):
  • MajorVersion
  • MinorVersion
  • Release
  • Build
  • DateTime
  • CompanyName
  • FileDescription
  • FileVersion
  • InternalName
  • LegalCopyright
  • OriginalFilename
  • ProductName
  • ProductVersion
  • Comments
  • LegalTrademarks

These values you can define for own application in Project options dialog.

Download: versinfo.zip (4K)
(with demo)

4. Other components

Link: breakgrid.htm TSMBreakGrid is an analogue of grid in SM Access import dialog where end-user can define the columns for parsed text file (fixed length)
Download: smcmpnt.zip
Link: charmap.htm The combobox with additional features for character select from drop-down panel (like standard Windows CharacterMap app).
Download: charmap.zip (3K)
Link: smcolorscb.htm This component is a combobox with list of the available colors. In it you can define a display of the color names and sample color rects. Also you can include standard (clBlack..clWhite) and/or system (clScrollbar..clSkyBlue) colors.
Download: smcombo.zip (20K)
Link: smfontcb.htm This component is a combobox with list of the available font names. You can define a display of the Screen and/or Printer fonts. Also you can set options:
  • foAnsiOnly - If True, the user can select fonts that use the Windows character set only; that is, the user can't choose a font that contains only symbols because they aren't displayed in the Font combo box
  • foTrueTypeOnly - If True, only TrueType fonts are displayed in the Font combo box.
  • foFixedPitchOnly - If True, only mono-spaced fonts are displayed in the Font combo box.
  • foNoOEMFonts - If True, only fonts that aren't vector fonts are displayed in the Font combo box.
  • foOEMFontsOnly - If True, only OEM fonts are displayed in the Font combo box.
  • foScalableOnly - If True, only fonts that can be scaled are displayed in the Font combo box.
Download: smcombo.zip (20K)
Link: smfontcb.htm This component is a combobox with list of the available sizes for selected font.
PS You can link it with a TSMFontNamesCombo-component.
Download: smcombo.zip (20K)
Link: smbrushpencb.htm This component is a combobox with list of the all brush or pen styles (depend from BrushPenMode). Also you can define a display mode with brush/pen names and sample rects. All visible names you can translate or change.
Download: smcombo.zip (20K)
Link: acc97pwd.htm This component allows to detect a password in protected MS Access database (.MDB). Was successly tested on MS Access 95/97.
Download: acc97pwd.zip (7K)
  The TSMLanguage component allows to develop the multilanguage application without recompile. You can define the external files with translated strings and custom messages and in run-time to load it for modification of component properties. In design-time you can automatically generate the resource file and properties for the next translation.
Download: smlang.zip(3K)
Demo: smlang_demo.zip140Kb
  This component allows to detect a changes in some "monitoring" folder: file changing or creation, changing of folder/file attributes, size or time. Allows to monitor a folder with subfolders.
I used this component in the next situation: I must monitor the some folder and automatically zip a dropped files, generate the description and send them from some folder to other computer. The other application must monitor the folder on this other computer and after receiving of an archive to unzip it and load data in own database.
Download: fcnotify.zip (2K)
KeyGenerator demo project
  This small application demonstrates how you can realize the key generator of valid serial numbers or reg.keys for your shareware.
Download: keygen.zip (3K)
  This component allow to create an email message and send it using MAPI. Unlimited recipient and attachment lists are supported.
Download: mapimail.zip (2K)


My components are freeware for private and commercial use so you may use any in your applications but without any warranties from my side.
You can free to use only (without redistribute), but if you want, please insert my name somewhere in the About dialog/help/documentation or online on site info.
It will be useful for me.

You cannot to distribute and/or modify code or any portion of it without a written permission from me.
If you want to change something please let me know and I'll include it for you - with credits.
If you have any comments, suggestions and bug-reports, please forward it to me.

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[Database components][Label components][Edit, Button and Panel components][Other components]

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