Welcome to the State Personnel Board
Constitutionally established in 1934, the State Personnel Board (SPB) is responsible for guiding and directing California's Civil Service System to ensure that employment decisions are based on merit and free from political patronage. SPB adopts all classifications and establishes all rules and policies governing recruitment and selection. SPB audits departments' employment practices for compliance with merit system laws and rules. Additionally, SPB hears state employee appeals from disciplinary actions and investigates and resolves merit-related examination and appointment complaints, as well as whistleblower retaliation complaints and requests to file charges against state employees. The Executive Officer renders decisions in cases filed by employee organizations challenging state contracts for personal services based on a violation of the civil service mandate.
SPB is led by a five-member board appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate for ten-year terms. The five-member board meets monthly to approve classifications, prescribe probationary periods, adopt merit-related rules, hear appeals and decide complaints. The Board appoints an Executive Officer to administer the civil service system under the rules adopted by the Board.
What's New?
- Transfer Policy Clarification
- Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Action: Appeals' Assignments
- Cost Savings CPI 2025
- Hearings and Appeals Regulatory Action Memo
- Hearings and Appeals Action Approved
- State Personnel Board Elects 2025 Officers
- 15-Day Notice Period, Waiver of Appointment
- Final Notice for Hearings and Appeals
- Interjurisdictional Employee Exchanges Regulatory Action Memo
- Information for Parties Appearing before the SPB through Webex
- Interjurisdictional Employee Exchanges Action Approved
- 15-Day Notice Period, Hearings and Appeals
- Examinations, Appointments, Probationary Periods, Temporary Assignments or Loans Regulatory Action Memo
- Unlawful Appointments Regulatory Action Memo
- Unlawful Appointments Action Approved
- Notice of Rescheduled Date for Public Hearing on Hearings and Appeals Draft Regulations
- Regulations Notice - Meeting cancelled
- System site maintenance
- State Personnel Board Hearing Advocacy Training
- Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Action: Waiver of Appointment
- Final Notice for Interjurisdictional Employee Exchanges
- Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Action: Hearings and Appeals
- Final Notice for Unlawful Appointments
- Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Action: Interjurisdictional Employee Exchanges
- Examinations, Appointments, Probationary Periods, Temporary Assignments or Loans Action Approved
- Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Action: Unlawful Appointments
- Cost Savings CPI 2024
- Site Maintenance
- Final Notice for Examinations, Appointments, Probationary Periods, Temporary Assignments or Loans
- State Personnel Board Elects 2024 Officers
- Third 15-Day Notice Period: Examinations, Appointments, Probationary Periods, Temporary Assignments or Loans
- Report to the Legislature 2023
- Second 15-Day Notice Period: Examinations, Appointments, Probationary Periods, Temporary Assignments or Loans
- 15-Day Notice Period, Examinations, Appointments, Probationary Periods, Temporary Assignments or Loans
- MIC & Appeals Process Approved
- Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Action: Examinations, Appointments, Probationary Periods, Temporary Assignments or Loans
- Implementation of Assembly Bill 1195 and its impact on LEAP
- System site maintenance 6/3/23
- Justification For Cost-Savings Based Contracts
- Report to the Legislature 2022
- SPB Board Press Release 12/9/2022
- Notice of Conversion to Videoconference Hearings
- Appeals Process Reimbursement Regulatory Package Action Approved
- 2021 Leadership Accountability Report
- Justification for Cost-Savings Based Contracts
- News Release: State Personnel Board Elects 2022 Officers
- Public Webstream: SPB Case #21-0607 Owens v CalPERS click here for WebEx 9am - 6pm
- 2021 Justification for Cost-Savings Based Contracts | 2021 Justification for Cost-Savings Based Contracts - Text Only (RTF)
For Individuals
- How to File an Appeal
- How to Contact Compliance Review
- Whistleblower Retaliation
- CalCareers website
- Tribal Consultation Policy
For Departments
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