noun as in ammunition
noun as in bullet
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noun as in information
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Example Sentences
He still plans to release thousands of files after this article is published — evidence tying sheriffs and police officers to the movement, his proudest coup, plus other records he hopes could become ammo for lawsuits.
But there's another aspect of Kennesaw that some might find surprising – a city law from the 1980s that legally requires residents to own guns and ammo.
Authorities said he would then drive the guns and ammo from Texas to California.
The ammo was revealed to have a stamp that was an identifying characteristic of the “Rust” bullets.
Tear gas started a fire, and the fire blew up some of the thousands of rounds of ammo the SLA had cached in the house.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.