adjective as in successful
Strong match
Weak matches
noun as in flag, usually with message
noun as in ad on web/internet page
Strongest matches
Weak match
Example Sentences
He didn’t really condemn the “demonstrators” — they were pro-Trump, after all, as shown by the banners on poles that were weaponized against police.
He went to banner waving events on busy road bridges where the group would visibly demonstrate against controversial local issues, encouraging drivers to honk horns in support.
Now, it’s up to the mad dogs — including six players averaging more than a steal per game — to close the deal and raise a banner.
Meanwhile, one banner said: "Labour, Tories, BBC. You show Russia's crimes but hide Israel's. Why?"
While the issues with the story were resolved, the on-screen banners and the introductions did not go through the same type of rigorous review process.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.