adverb as in angrily
adverb as in hard
Weak matches
adverb as in sourly
Weak matches
Example Sentences
On a bitterly cold night in Dundee, the travelling support were kept warm by their fury, pointing with disgust and screaming from the soles of their frozen feet.
Water and electricity supplies have been cut off and families suffer from a lack of food, bitterly cold weather and relentless gun battles.
Rodgers became only the fifth quarterback in NFL history to throw 500 touchdowns as the Jets ended a bitterly disappointing season with a welcome 32-20 win over the Miami Dolphins.
She said she was "bitterly disappointed" by the end of her solo attempt, which followed four years of preparation and planning.
In the north-eastern city of Kharkiv - Ukraine's second largest - the attack left half a million people without water, electricity or heating in bitterly cold temperatures, the regional governor said.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.