noun as in gallstone
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Weak match
noun as in mathematics
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Example Sentences
Entertainment executives said the fires could result in ancillary costs going up, although not enough to fundamentally change the calculus for filming in Los Angeles.
To be fair, we’re living in extraordinary times that unfortunately are decreasingly extraordinary, and the calculus of firefighting has become more complicated.
“Everybody has a different scenario right now, so we kind of have to just use shared decision-making to kind of go through that calculus with them,” Han said.
With Trump soon returning to power, however – and the president-elect threatening new lawsuits on Monday against CBS, the Des Moines Register and the Pulitzer Prize foundation - the calculus for ABC and Disney may have changed.
He notes, however, that the public may not appreciate that there is a complicated calculus behind when or whether to charge criminal offences.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.