noun as in behavior modification
noun as in brainwashing
Strong matches
noun as in drill
noun as in naturalization
Weak matches
- accustoming
- adapting
noun as in Pavlovian conditioning
Weak matches
Example Sentences
The building's galleries also have double walls and staff can control, to some extent, the flow of hot air into the villa via the air conditioning system.
If you have a central heating and air conditioning system, you can keep your indoor air clean by turning it on and keeping it running.
Then there are the provisions that each residential unit needs for water, power, toilet and air conditioning.
In addition, I now have the benefit of air conditioning during summer heat waves, which I did not have prior to the conversion.
At both, the luxury treatment begins with a detailed scalp analysis followed by a neck and shoulder massage and repeated shampooings and conditionings.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.