noun as in large wildcat of the Americas
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Twenty big cats - including a Bengal tiger and four cougars - have died of the bird flu over the past several weeks at an animal sanctuary in the state of Washington.
Revelations from the study arrive as some Southern California and Central Coast cougars are at a crossroads.
“He IS more Hollywood than any celebrity — the Brad Pitt of the cougar world. But did Brad actually sleep under the Hollywood sign at night?”
We saw the signs warning about cougars, but, for some reason thought that because we were near the ocean and other houses in the small village, it was safer.
Korinna Domingo, director of the Cougar Conservancy, told the three dozen or so attendees at Discovery Charter Preparatory School that cougars don’t typically attack humans — but do prey on domestic pets, rodents and coyotes.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.