noun as in choosing
noun as in selecting
Example Sentences
Minister Andrew Muir said after further investigation appropriate disease control measures had been put in place, including the "humane culling of all poultry on site", which is 64,000 birds.
Free-roaming feral pigs are found in other parts of Scotland and culling is permitted by the Scottish government.
One of those farmers affected in 2021 was Lucy Sanderson, from North Yorkshire, who says people are not aware of the mental health impact culling birds had on farmers.
In between sharing posts decrying "woke" video game journalism, Musk floated the idea of an annual culling of the federal judiciary.
The premises in County Londonderry has been closed to the public and a number of immediate restrictions have been put in place around the site, including the humane culling of the remaining captive birds.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.