dead set on
adjective as in bent on
adjective as in firm
Strongest matches
Strong matches
adjective as in immovable
Strongest matches
adjective as in indefatigable
Strongest matches
adjective as in inexorable
Strongest matches
Weak matches
- adamant
- adamantine
- bound
- bound and determined
- compulsory
- dogged
- hard
- harsh
- hell bent on
- immobile
- immovable
- ineluctable
- inflexible
- ironclad
- like death and taxes
- locked-in
- mean business
- necessary
- no going back
- obdurate
- obstinate
- remorseless
- resolute
- rigid
- set in stone
- severe
- single-minded
- stubborn
- unappeasable
- unbending
- uncompromising
- unmovable
- unyielding
adjective as in mulish
adjective as in obstinate
Strongest matches
adjective as in purposeful
adjective as in relentless
Strongest matches
adjective as in resolute
Strongest matches
adjective as in set
Strong matches
adjective as in stalwart
Strong matches
adjective as in stringent
adjective as in unfaltering
Weak matches
adjective as in unrelenting
Strongest matches
adjective as in unwavering
adjective as in unyielding
Strongest matches
Example Sentences
“I’m looking forward to them reading this book and getting to know me for real. My prayer is that they really see why I’ve made some of the decisions that I have, and it was all for them. They’ve always been at the center of my life. They are the reason why I was dead set on surviving.”
Cruz has said for months that he would run a competitive race, dead set on not repeating the surprisingly close challenge by former U.S.
Rebecca Masri, founder of luxury travel app Little Emperors, has a solution for those dead set on returning to old favorites despite prices, weather and crowds: Go after Labor Day.
A beef that is so dead set on proving who can out-masculine one another attempts to prove that through who has hurt women the worst in the most grotesque way.
Sometimes a happily ever after isn't the right fit for a movie so dead set on taking so much commentary from reality.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.