adjective as in led astray
Strong matches
- baited
- bamboozled
- betrayed
- conned
- culled
- duped
- fooled
- gulled
- had
- hoaxed
- hoodwinked
- lured
- played
- snared
- taken
- trapped
- victimized
adjective as in led into an erroneous conclusion
Strong matches
- deluded
- misapprehending
- misinformed
- misled
- mistaken
- sadly mistaken
adjective as in cheated
Weak match
Example Sentences
A United Nations judge deceived a young woman into coming to the UK to work as her slave while she studied at the University of Oxford, a court has heard.
He remembers how the following year the Thai authorities deceived them about their plan to deport some of them to China.
He added the fact that "Aldi did not intend consumers to be deceived, or even confused, as to the trade origin of the Aldi product does not detract from this".
"It is true that those who are of the best faith are often the most cruelly deceived," she said.
"Our investigation found that Grubhub tricked its customers, deceived its drivers and unfairly damaged the reputation and revenues of restaurants that did not partner with Grubhub — all in order to drive scale and accelerate growth."
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.