adjective as in antiseptic
Strong matches
adjective as in medical
Strongest matches
noun as in antiseptic
Strongest match
noun as in cleaner
Weak match
noun as in deodorant
Strong matches
Weak matches
noun as in purifier
noun as in refiner
Example Sentences
If water remains stagnant in a reservoir, there is a risk that the disinfectant, chloramine, will break down and chlorine will evaporate, leaving behind ammonia that could foster bacterial growth in the water supply.
But a quick perusal shows that most of these are simple, familiar chemicals that are allowed for very specific reasons, like hydrogen peroxide and rubbing alcohol as disinfectants for equipment.
“Sunlight is the best disinfectant and I am quite certain the sun is coming.”
The Environment Agency says that’s because salt water can act as a natural disinfectant and the sea naturally disperses pollutants faster.
Dr Morris also highlighted that Bacillus cereus is resistant to some cleaning methods and that sporicides - disinfectants that kill microbial spores - can be required to achieve decontamination.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.