adjective as in attentive
adjective as in captive
adjective as in engrossed
Strongest matches
adjective as in entertained
Strongest match
Strong matches
Weak matches
adjective as in fascinated
Strong matches
Weak matches
adjective as in possessed
adjective as in rapt
Strongest matches
Weak matches
- absent
- absent-minded
- abstracted
- beguiled
- bewitched
- blissful
- busy
- captivated
- carried away
- caught up in
- charmed
- daydreaming
- deep
- dreaming
- employed
- enamored
- engaged
- engrossed
- enraptured
- entranced
- gripped
- happy
- held
- hung up
- hypnotized
- immersed
- intent
- involved
- lost
- oblivious
- occupied
- overwhelmed
- preoccupied
- ravished
- taken
- transported
- unconscious
- wrapped
- wrapped-up
adjective as in spellbound
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak matches
Example Sentences
Although enthralled by the inquiry, Paul is glad it's now come to an end and hopes "meaningful action" will be taken.
To an enthralled generation, the genre’s music has never died — a tribute to the longing for belonging, still not erased.
His vision seems to have been formed at the age when adolescents become enthralled by science fiction movies set in faraway galaxies — which isn’t to say that they can remain entertaining for adults, too.
When Farmscape brought in all its equipment to start removing the lawns, Early was enthralled.
For a while, he was based in Washington where he became enthralled by the work of a new breed of free-market thinkers, including the Chicago-based economist, Milton Friedman.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.