adjective as in expected
Strong matches
Example Sentences
At her daughter’s bat mitzvah last year, she reflected on her own celebration years before, and envisioned what it would be like to see her child’s future children there in years to come.
The National Cathedral of Ghana was envisioned to be a sacred space for all Christians, where national religious services could take place.
The show was looking for his female counterpart, someone they originally envisioned as “a yummy mummy cupcake blogger who’s vacuous and drives a Range Rover,” Brooker says.
The company envisioned the show, which streams on Netflix, as a gift to fans, one that would also drive more people to play “League of Legends.”
This particular image at the British Championships in Liverpool was one I envisioned to highlight the extraordinary skill and balance in that decisive moment.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.