four by eight
Example Sentences
She says she was one of 18 pregnant women and 25 children crammed into a room that was just four by eight metres.
A giant color photo — perhaps four by eight feet — of a packed, opening-day crowd at Dodger Stadium was reproduced on one wall.
There are almost 70 raised planter beds, each four by eight feet and filled with deep, rich soil.
This farm will be located 20 miles offshore so that the curvature of the earth will prevent it from being visible from shore and will contain 100 5MW turbines in a grid four by eight miles wide.
"Yes; I need about four by eight feet of surface to keep my ideas from jostling one another, and this dining-room table is about the right fit when I 'm comparing pages of manuscript with first galley proofs."
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.