adverb as in fiercely
Strongest matches
Example Sentences
It’s both heart-stopping and frighteningly believable, a tale of desire and destruction that will go down as the definitive take on the vampire for this generation.
At James Dolan's palace to sub-.500 seasons, Trump expanded his already frighteningly loose definition of enemies to include journalists, political dissenters and an "amorphous" group of people that control the government through "vessels."
Food, water and other resources would have to be shipped from home, at distances that make the supply frighteningly undependable.
Lack of adequate access to mental health care has historically been widespread in Appalachia but up until frighteningly recently, there was another very common method deemed appropriate to deal with psychiatric illness.
Once Margaret Qualley enters the picture, writhing in her regained potency, christening herself Sue and nabbing Elisabeth’s exercise TV gig within days, “The Substance” becomes a frighteningly confident piece of anxiety.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.