noun as in overwhelming desire for more
Strong matches
acquisitiveness, avidity, covetousness, craving, cupidity, eagerness, edacity, esurience, indulgence, intemperance, piggishness, rapacity, ravenousness, voracity
Weak matches
gormandizing, graspingness, insatiableness, swinishness, the gimmies
Example Sentences
That is the balm to so much of the chaos and the difficulty of war and greed and all of these things that become our daily messages.
“These defendants ran a scheme that tricked banks into cashing millions in stolen postal orders to fund their extravagant greed,” U.S.
Her bestiary, inevitably, is also a catalog of human greed, ego, and neglect.
In a sense, those two headlines summed up the game; there was still room for heartwarming romance despite much of the elite end being swept along a largely unchecked river of greed.
"If your package is delayed during the holidays, you can blame Amazon's insatiable greed."
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.