in the lead
adjective as in advance
adjective as in triumphant
adverb as in ahead
Example Sentences
Pro-Yoon supporters rallied outside the court house in the lead up to the decision, with many entering the building after judges issued the extension.
"We engaged with victims' families and support groups throughout production and in the lead up to the series launch."
Will there be major infrastructure projects funded in the lead up to the 2028 Summer Olympics, which are set to be hosted by L.A.?
What did the journaling look like in the lead up to production and in the aftermath?
The state remains well in the lead in terms of aerospace-related employment, and innovative new firms, such as Anduril in Orange County, seem primed to take advantage of Trump’s emphasis on military spending.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.