adverb as in illegibly
Weak matches
adverb as in incoherently
adverb as in invisibly
Example Sentences
The simple joy of moving the carts around and putting them back, stopping at the little stop sign, and yelling indistinctly at your children not to run in front of other people’s cars!
Yet owners blather on with hazy, inexact, elusive terms about finding a coach with “vision,” squawking indistinctly as they deflect examination of their utter hackishness.
The play, titled after an ancient Roman training area, gestures blandly and indistinctly at themes of mankind’s history across two very long acts at NYU Skirball.
Over the past two years, we've toasted missed birthdays, holidays and anniversaries and the months-ago start of a new year that fused indistinctly with the last.
He certainly knows his materials well enough to coax strong performances out of his cast, who can talk indistinctly or pause to help create the chilly mood.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.