adjective as in giving and kind
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"Ecowas therefore refutes any suggestion that such a generous and magnanimous country would become a state sponsor of terrorism," it read.
I get it: it’s easier to “bridge divides” when you’ve won, to be magnanimous when you don’t feel threatened.
“Unfortunately, the supposedly magnanimous MrBeast did not want to use ... alleged unconstrained resources to provide fair wages, or even bare-minimum-legal working conditions, to the contestants whose labor comprised the core commercial value of Beast Games.”
There's something magnanimous about the way Bon forgives his friend without condition, or because he knows that what they've gone through forces people to say things and think things when they know better.
I don’t think Barrymore intended any harm, quite the opposite, and the vice president was magnanimous, taking the comment in stride and with good cheer.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.