adjective as in hateful
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Six months after being cleared of criminal charges in the “Rust” shooting death, actor Alec Baldwin has filed a suit alleging malicious prosecution and defamation by New Mexico prosecutors and law enforcement.
“Ah yes, i have doxes on many journalists in utah,” Rowan responded, using slang for sharing someone’s personal data with malicious intent.
The women contacted the BBC following a report highlighting failures by two forces when dealing with reports of malicious, sexualised phone calls.
When Darrow stood to make his own plea to jurors, he called Ford’s attack “cowardly and malicious in the extreme. It was not worthy of a man and it did not come from a man.”
In a malicious move against Mufasa, Taka tips off their group’s location to the leader of the violent pride, who wrongfully believes that Mufasa killed his son.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.