noun as in woman in religious order
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He’s already asked fellowship communities in Southern California to organize food and clothing drives, while monks and nuns at the group’s center in Mount Washington are offering spiritual counseling over the phone.
The actor plays a nun at odds with a global AI in this comic adventure series on Peacock.
But she was headstrong - she escaped from the orphanage aged 15 after the nuns attempted to force her into marriage.
Spectators don their finest fancy dress: There are monks and nuns, bananas and vegetables, traffic cones and dart boards, cartoon characters and Vikings.
"We've never had to compromise our style of storytelling, because it's set in Nonnatus House, " she says, where the nuns and midwives live and share words of wisdom, along with tea and cake.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.