noun as in tablet of paper
noun as in dwelling, room
verb as in protect with cushioning
verb as in elaborate, amplify
Example Sentences
How you can help: You can sign up on the spreadsheet to lend or give gear including sleeping bags and sleeping pads.
He is strong against full deliveries and balls on the pads, but his defence is weak.
According to the V&A Museum, the wide shoes "echoed the line of fashionable dress for men, who wore broad-shouldered padded doublets".
In the car, for safety reasons, you should keep thick jumpers and coats to a minimum, so there is not too much padding between your child and the car seat straps.
Incarcerated women don’t need permission to obtain menstrual products: Women in prisons and jails now have full access to period-care products like pads and tampons under AB 1810.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.