pull together
verb as in cooperate
Strongest matches
Strong matches
verb as in coordinate
verb as in play ball
verb as in synchronize
Weak matches
verb as in systematize
verb as in systemize
verb as in tidy
verb as in trig
verb as in unify
Strongest matches
verb as in unite
Strong matches
Example Sentences
Fast forward to 2025 and the EU has weathered Brexit, the Covid pandemic, the migration crisis and Trump's first term in office - and countries very much pulled together after Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
The campaign pulls together what users listened to the most and usually includes their top songs, artists, and genres.
But if Pearce can be seen as something of a humble craftsman, his work in “The Brutalist” may be his masterpiece, in that it pulls together strands from throughout his career.
Ciulla pulled together quadrangle maps, rectangular maps that cover a set amount of latitude and longitude and were mapped at a scale where one inch represents 2000 feet.
The way they pulled together large clinical trials of therapeutics — the U.K.'s whole effort was truly extraordinary.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.