adjective as in indifferent, unconcerned
Strong match
Weak matches
behindhand, blind, careless, coarse, crude, deaf, delinquent, derelict, heedless, inadvertent, inattentive, inconsiderate, insensitive, lax, listless, mindless, neglectful, negligent, nonobservant, rash, reckless, remiss, rude, slack, unfeeling, unheeding, uninterested, unmindful
adverb as in despite everything
Strongest matches
Example Sentences
Though she is still trying to figure out how to use Xiaohongshu and message people back, Manassero said she would likely stay on the Chinese lifestyle app regardless of whether the TikTok ban goes through.
The fact of the matter is that sometimes making a lot of noise is the only thing that really matters, regardless if it's good noise or bad noise.
But given the scale of the crisis, he called for Los Angeles to do more to fast-track new housing developments across the city — regardless of location and whether it’s a rebuild.
“We encourage all survivors to apply for assistance regardless so we can review your specific case.”
The inmates interviewed for the study offered dim views of the treatment they received regardless of their jail’s accreditation status.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.