adjective as in clannish
adjective as in tying
Strong matches
- confining
- restraining
- shackling
noun as in narrowing
Strongest match
Strong matches
preposition as in exclusive of
Example Sentences
Its emergence comes as the US is restricting the sale of the advanced chip technology that powers AI to China.
He also said a change in the UK law tightly restricting ownership of XL bullies, which came into effect in February 2024, had come "tragically too late" for his father.
Groups that want to reduce immigration have also argued that restricting the flow of immigrants would put upward pressure on wages, benefiting American workers who might then take caregiving jobs.
It has been criticised for restricting choice, with voters unable to pick an individual candidate.
The state said its fire designations “are not intended to restrict housing development” and a high hazard zone “is not a conclusive rationale to warrant restricting ADUs,” according to state guidelines.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.