noun as in office worker
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Strong matches
Weak match
noun as in desk
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Example Sentences
The justice secretary said this had prevented the penal system from reaching maximum capacity, and "a total breakdown of law and order".
The culture secretary described it as "astonishing" that some Greater Manchester Police officers had refused to take part in that local inquiry and could not be compelled to do so.
The secretary of any given department, for example, cannot see data before it is released, except under special arrangements, which are Memorandums of Understanding, or MOUs, available for the public to see in any case.
But what was striking was how far the foreign secretary was willing to challenge Trump only days before his inauguration.
Other positions expected to be cut in the coming years include postal service clerks, executive secretaries and payroll clerks.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.