settle down
verb as in chill out
verb as in light
verb as in marry
verb as in maturate
verb as in mature
verb as in mellow
verb as in nestle
verb as in repose
Example Sentences
It could settle down into a successful, pluralistic nation, bucking the trend of other revolutions in the region.
It wasn’t until I settled down with my wife Caron and began to build a home that I realized the problem was worse than I imagined.
"It might become interesting later, but as of now, I think it's a bit too boring to settle down here - I think I'd like a larger city," Anna K says.
"I don't feel I'm in a rush to settle down and have kids just because it's expected," she says.
“I wanted to settle down in my own space in my hometown, where I can chat to people casually and live at a slower pace than before,” he said.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.