adjective as in opprobrious
Weak matches
- abasing
- calumniatory
- contemptuous
- contumelious
- damaging
- debasing
- defamatory
- defaming
- denigrating
- depreciative
- derogative
- despicable
- despiteful
- detractive
- disgracing
- dishonoring
- disparaging
- humiliating
- hurting
- injuring
- injurious
- insolent
- insulting
- invective
- libeling
- malevolent
- malign
- malignant
- maligning
- notorious
- offending
- offensive
- pejorative
- reproaching
- reviling
- scandalous
- scurrilous
- spiteful
- truculent
- vile
- vitriolic
- vituperative
- vulgar
adjective as in outrageous
Strongest matches
adjective as in shameful
Strongest matches
noun as in meanness
Example Sentences
It's to do whatever it takes to keep her pregnant until it's too late to get an abortion, including through lies, threats, bullying, shaming, and false promises of help.
Huntington Beach got so fed up with drunk driving issues that it considered in 2010 publicly shaming arrestees by posting their names on Facebook.
Social shaming is a major tool, as well.
And he tirelessly painted over the gang graffiti, including on fences across from campus — shaming the football team into helping him — until it went away.
The shaming Sweeney and Robbie received is similar because men online have upheld these actresses as the pinnacle of beauty standards.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.