squeaky clean
adjective as in full of integrity
adjective as in very clean
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John does discuss his history with drug abuse and his coming out story in the doc, but both of those matters are largely sanitized, seemingly to avoid anything that might not fit with the House of Mouse’s squeaky-clean image.
One candidate has been convicted of multiple felonies and found liable for sexual assault by a civil jury — and those things are perceived as political advantages against a squeaky-clean former prosecutor whose Black-Indian-Jewish blended family appears to have been carefully cast for a car-insurance commercial.
The spoof opens with the squeaky-clean Manning playing touch football with the group, encouraging everyone in the huddle to practice teamwork and have fun.
Garvey cultivated a squeaky-clean, all-American image as a player, and has campaigned as a “role model” and “devoted family man.”
While Mitchell, Gallagher and Rosman said they sometimes wished they could have been on an edgier show and that they experienced similar pangs of wanting to break free from their squeaky-clean TV images during production, they never followed through the way Biel did.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.