Example Sentences
The screen is a 360-degree ring on which 18 slide projectors, positioned on a suspended central bollard, throw up a sequence of more than 1,400 scenes that envelop you in the hipster substratosphere of ’60s Tokyo.
We came down to the warmer substratosphere and got on our homeward course.
It was also the 50th anniversary of man's first powered flight, and it was celebrated by two Americans, first Scott Crossfield, flying at 1,327 m.p.h., then the Air Force's Major "Chuck" Yeager, ripping through the substratosphere at more than 1,600 m.p.h.,
Furthermore, with horsepower supercharged to normal and air resistance halved or quartered, flying speeds in the substratosphere are increased 25% and more.
They had arrived through the substratosphere, unheard and unseen in the broad daylight; they had done so because behind each of the Fortresses' four engines were turbo-superchargers, feeding them fat air to breathe in the thin heights.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.