verb as in stick together with material
verb as in record sounds, sights
Example Sentences
At New York Drive and Allen Avenue, a Guard member at the blockade said a man had shown him the Facebook post then ducked under the yellow police tape and ran past the guards.
Though I taped several moments on archaic iPhones and posted them to Instagram in the nascent days of mobile social media, I thought my favorites would be lost forever.
He said the government's 25-year plan would see more focus on food production, profitability and clearing planning red tape for farmers.
As a tape recording of the White House gathering demonstrated, however, the president made no such comment.
The idea was to capture the excitement of their live show direct to tape – with an audience of family and friends to stop them obsessing over the technicalities of recording.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.