under control of
adjective as in dependent
Example Sentences
But every NFL team remains under control of the same rich family that owned it yesterday.
I would say, ‘Great!’ because if you look up the word ‘sobriety’ in the dictionary, it’s not ‘not drinking,’ it’s that you’re under control of your life.”
The traders operate in the capital Sana’a and other areas under control of the Houthis, a rebel group backed by Iran and proscribed as terrorists by the US and Australian governments.
The EU said they were all under control of the Kremlin and were targeting “European political parties, especially during election periods.”
The tactic separates the profitable soccer departments from the rest of the club, which remains under control of its members.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.