Paris Web 2019 - 10 octobre après-midi - Amphithéâtre - YouTube
Here’s the livestream of the talk I gave at Paris Web—Going Offline, complete with French live-captioning and simultaneous interpretation in .
This free day-long online event all about accessibility and inclusive design is happening right now. You can join live, or catch up on the talks that have already happened, like the excellent talks from Russ Weakly and Manuel Matuzović.
Here’s the livestream of the talk I gave at Paris Web—Going Offline, complete with French live-captioning and simultaneous interpretation in .
Boxman’s talk about complexity, reasoning, philosophy, and design is soooo good!
Come for the videos of EnhanceConf. Stay for the skateboarding beagle.
All the talks from this year’s State Of The Browser event are online, and they’re all worth watching.
I laughed out loud at multiple points during Heydon’s talk.
Stuart took copious notes during every single talk at Patterns Day—what a star!
The first video is online for your enjoyment.
Relive Responsive Day Out 3 in the form of moving images
Three days of excellent talks and workshops in the heart of the city.
A presentation at An Event Apart San Francisco 2019
A presentation at An Event Apart San Francisco 2019