i cant seem to find the small person for cici to eat. is it because jacqueline is now at fantasy fusion. Please can i have some help with this, even though I give the green hair girl on the subway the food she likes she won't come with me to cici's alley. anyone know why?
Could you add an option to disable the background images? Sorry for the big ask. I haven't played in months and I much prefer the full black background.
Solo dire que es increible ojala el juego sea actualizado por que tiene mucho potencial de desarollo la narrativa , ojala poder colaborar y aportar ideas si las necesitas estare encantado de alludar
You need to go to the park to participate in a hot dog eating contest, and then you have to compete with Sandra. After winning three victories, she will give you。
I'm really loving the game so far I wish Miss Eliot would be easier telling me at what kind of food Caribbean she's currently craving before but also too I wish to date two people at the same time but overall keep them good work and make sure to take breaks
any way to get back into the curio after it says you get stuck in the doorway? also steph is asking for like, 5 multi layer chocalate cakes and i dont know how to make that, and so im stuck on the feeding sessions with her.
Found it out on my self! You get it, if you go to their patreon, and get the free support. Then you can download the version "0.7.4" (I think it is the newest version of it) download for free <3
Hello, how do you enter the new storyline with Beth? Got sandwich and everything, but I think I’m missing some trigger.
Also, is there a way to continue the story with Francis once I’ve used the book one her? Can’t give her the sandwich or anything.
Hi everyone, does anyone know what event exactly causes the sandwich recipe to be obtained? I've replayed the game many times and often failed to obtain the sandwich recipe (possibly because I was in a hurry to collect ingredients and complete character arcs). But I would still like to know how to 100% get the perfect sandwich recipe in shadow curious. Has anyone else encountered this problem or am I the only one so gifted?
I believe it has been changed that you cannot start the sandwich recipe until you reach the point where you move in with one of your three love interests. you can start collecting the ingredients like the donut lady. but you wont be able to start it at the curio until you have moved in with someone else.
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please help steph is asking for 5 chocolate cakes i dont know how to make that and she isnt requesting anything else
how do i get all of the ingredients for the sandwich? does anyone know?
¿Cuál es la forma más rápida de ganar peso de inicio a fin?
Quiero hacer otra partida pero me entro esa duda
i cant seem to find the small person for cici to eat. is it because jacqueline is now at fantasy fusion. Please can i have some help with this, even though I give the green hair girl on the subway the food she likes she won't come with me to cici's alley. anyone know why?
I gave diana the stuff from tiffany and i have been to the store alot and it hasnt progressed more. Is there something else i need to do?
i cant feed diane what food does she need?
How do you solve the archway puzzle?
What AI software od you use
I can't find the leaves for the sandwich
Could you add an option to disable the background images? Sorry for the big ask. I haven't played in months and I much prefer the full black background.
Two questions:
1. How many DLCs will there be for the game?
2. If there is Going to be a DLC 2, what can we expect from it?
Solo dire que es increible ojala el juego sea actualizado por que tiene mucho potencial de desarollo la narrativa , ojala poder colaborar y aportar ideas si las necesitas estare encantado de alludar
Hey guys where do I find flavor Enhance
You need to go to the park to participate in a hot dog eating contest, and then you have to compete with Sandra. After winning three victories, she will give you。
I can't save or load on android tried the player here on itch and joiplay. I can save and load in browser but no images comeup.
how did you get joiplay?
what is the quiz time answer for dnd
what do you do with the arcane text in dnd
in dnd
I need help some the final answer
To create the potion to continue forward you need the following ingredients:
White Crystal, Gold Liquid, Blue Dust, Frozen Leaves, and the Green Liquid.
To create the optional potion you need:
Fire Gem, Red Root, Dark Crystal, Wet Leaves, and the Green Liquid.
Can ur character be fit and thicc and not be fat?
Is it possible to get a more toned figure?
has anyone pass the Archway in Stephanie DnD story I am stuck
I'm really loving the game so far I wish Miss Eliot would be easier telling me at what kind of food Caribbean she's currently craving before but also too I wish to date two people at the same time but overall keep them good work and make sure to take breaks
How do you unlock the different stages for Francis? Try as I might, I can only get her to the stage 1 art in Curio.
Just keep buying Smash Burgers as many as you can whenever she pops up. She'll get there.
How do I progress Carmen in Fantasy Fusion?
What are the drone deliveries and protein bars for and how do they work?
You eat them. Sometimes it will ask you to eat them during the day.
How to get the Ray Gun
You buy it at the Curio
any way to get back into the curio after it says you get stuck in the doorway? also steph is asking for like, 5 multi layer chocalate cakes and i dont know how to make that, and so im stuck on the feeding sessions with her.
Can you give the perfect sandwich to Beth, Stephanie, Jamie and how?
Only Beth. You have to give 8 girls the sand which, before Chet leaves and before stage 10.
how do i edit the save
How do I get the french fries that Elane is requesting?
En el centro comercial, donde venden hamburguesas
for some reason i cant load my save
Where can I download the main game for pc?
i was wondering the same thing
Found it out on my self! You get it, if you go to their patreon, and get the free support. Then you can download the version "0.7.4" (I think it is the newest version of it) download for free <3
where the free support ?
nvm found it
Can I upload my saves, for those, who want not to play from the beginning?
what do you do with the arcane text in the tower in dnd
I need help.
How and where do I find the first pray for Cici and and how can I attract her to her?? (The pray on her drawing)
I think the prey drawings may be randomly assigned. Can you describe the drawing?
Sorry I confused reply and report I hope you won't have any problem because of me. 😰
Apart from that I managed to find the prey but not the one with green hair and glasses.
Have you visited the Lab in game, yet?
That's the right place to start! :)
I'm having a hard time finding Francis to recruit her. Can anyone give me a hint, please?
She's appearing at the Curio
Thank you!
Hello, how do you enter the new storyline with Beth? Got sandwich and everything, but I think I’m missing some trigger. Also, is there a way to continue the story with Francis once I’ve used the book one her? Can’t give her the sandwich or anything.
Hi everyone, does anyone know what event exactly causes the sandwich recipe to be obtained? I've replayed the game many times and often failed to obtain the sandwich recipe (possibly because I was in a hurry to collect ingredients and complete character arcs). But I would still like to know how to 100% get the perfect sandwich recipe in shadow curious. Has anyone else encountered this problem or am I the only one so gifted?
I believe it has been changed that you cannot start the sandwich recipe until you reach the point where you move in with one of your three love interests. you can start collecting the ingredients like the donut lady. but you wont be able to start it at the curio until you have moved in with someone else.
wait you know how to get all of the ingredients if you do can you type out where you got them whenever you see this plz.