D-Day and the Normandy Invasion

Panoramic view of supplies being brought ashore for Allied forces. (1944-06-06) by National Archives and Records AdministrationU.S. National Archives

As dawn broke on June 6, 1944, German soldiers defending the French coast at Normandy beheld an awe-inspiring sight—the largest amphibious invasion force in history massed in the waters of the English Channel. The long-awaited invasion of northwest Europe was underway.

The massive armada included over 7,000 ships and landing craft manned by over 195,000 naval personnel from eight Allied countries.  The troops consisted chiefly of Americans, Britons, and Canadians, but members of the Free French and many other nations also participated.

These Coast Guard barges rode back and forth through D-Day bringing wave of reinforcements to the beachhead., National Archives and Records Administration, 1944-06-06, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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The operation brought together land, air, and sea forces.  Almost 133,000 troops landed on D-Day.   

"The Big Three" at the Tehran Conference, November 29, 1943, Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum at the National Archives and Records Administration, 1943-11-29, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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Six months earlier, in November of 1943, Joseph Stalin, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill - the Big Three - had convened for the Teheran Conference.   The Russian Premier, had pressed President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill to commit  to a date for an invasion of southern France, code named Overlord. 

President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill agree to inform Marshall Stalin of a date for Overlord., Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum of the National Archives and Records Administration, 1943-12, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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In this document from the Teheran Conference, FDR penciled in "During the month of May"  to launch Overlord because it was the time-frame he had agreed upon with Winston Churchill.  

Telegraph Message Regarding the Selection of General Eisenhower as Supreme Commander., Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum of the National Archives and Records Administration, 1943-12-06, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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Stalin also asked that a commander in chief for the cross-Channel invasion be selected.  FDR chose General Dwight D. Eisenhower as Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force.

Military Conclusions of the Teheran Conference, Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum of the National Archives and Records Administration, 1943-12-01, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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FDR, Churchill, and Stalin signed the Military Conclusions of the Teheran Conference.  Shown here, it summarized the agreements made for Operation Overlord, including the coordination of a "cover plan to mystify and mislead the enemy..."

President Roosevelt with General Eisenhower aboard airplane. December 8, 1943., Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum at the National Archives and Records Administration, 1943-12-08, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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President Roosevelt with Dwight D. Eisenhower  after the decision was made to appoint the General as Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force.

World War II Battle Map., Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum of the National Archives and Records Administration, 1944, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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The operation delivered five naval assault divisions to the beaches of Normandy, France. The beaches were given the code names Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno, and Sword.

Out of the massive jaws of a U.S. Coast Guard-manned (LST) (landing ship, tanks) rolls a string of railroad cars, loaded with vital war supplies in England and delivered in France., National Archives and Records Administration, 1944-06-06, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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The giant invasion had taken years to organize, in part because of the need to build up adequate forces in Britain and the lack of suitable landing craft.  Hundreds of thousands of troops were assembled in southern England and intensively trained for the complicated amphibious action against Normandy. 

Heavy bombs being shipped to England for D-Day. May, 1944., National Archives and Records Administration, 1944-05, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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Millions of tons of supplies, ships, planes and weapons were transported across the Atlantic Ocean to Britain in advance of the operation.  This photo shows heavy bombs being shipped to England via Boston's Port of Embarkation.  May, 1944.

Sherman Tanks and trucks being sent to England via Boston for European invasion., National Archives and Records Administration, 1942/1944, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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Sherman tanks being put on ships for the invasion.  Boston Port.

U.S. Patent for Higgins Boat., From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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The invention of small "Higgins" boats that could  transport military equipment to the beaches without the use of wharves or docks was crucial.  This is the patent for Andrew Higgins' landing boat.  It is dated February 15, 1944, less than four months before D-Day.

Higgins Boat Patent Illustration, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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The patent sketch for the Higgins boat.  Dwight D. Eisenhower emphasized its strategic importance in a 1964 interview: "If Higgins had not designed and built those LCVPs (Landing Craft, Vehicle and Personnel), we never could have landed over an open beach.  The whole strategy of the war would have been different."

General Eisenhower speaks with paratroopers before the first assault of the Normandy invasion. June 5, 1944., Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum of the National Archives and Records Administration, 1944-06-05, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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The complex operations also relied on outside factors such as weather, moonlight, and tides. The forecast predicted a break in storms for June 6. General Eisenhower gave the order that put the vast operation in motion before dawn on June 5. 

In Case of Failure Message Draft by Eisenhower, Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum of the National Archives and Records Administration, 1944-06-05, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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Eisenhower scribbled a note accepting responsibility for the decision to launch the invasion, and full blame should the Normandy landings fail. His "In Case of Failure" message is mistakenly dated for "July" 5 instead of "June" 5.  

Order of the Day, Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum of the National Archives and Records Administration, 1944-06-06, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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General Eisenhower's "Order of the Day" statement  that was issued to the soldiers, sailors, and  airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force on June 6, 1944.

British soldier reading the Order of the Day on way to Normandy, France., Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum of the National Archives and Records Administration, 1944-06-06, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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A British soldier reading the "Order of the Day" on the way to Normandy, France.  

Resolute faces of paratroopers just before they took off for the initial asault of D-Day., National Archives and Records Administration, 1944-06-06, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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Resolute faces of paratroopers before they took off for the initial assault of D-Day.  The Order of the Day is held in the hand of one paratrooper.  

Crossing the English Channel aboard a Coast Guard "Elsie" (or LCI), American soldiers catch their K rations and celery soup from the top of a 20mm rady box., National Archives and Records Administration, 1944-06-06, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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Crossing the English Channel aboard a Coast Guard "Elsie" or LCI.  American soldiers eat their K rations and celery soup from the top of 22mm rady boxes.

Top Secret Progress Report from Eisenhower to Marshall, June 6, 1944. Page 1., Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum at the National Archives and Records Administration, 1944-06-06, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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Back in Washington, FDR and his advisors waited anxiously for early news about the operation. At 8:00 am (London time) on June 6, General Eisenhower cabled this top secret preliminary progress report.

Top Secret Progress Report from Eisenhower to Marshall, June 6, 1944. Page 2., Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum at the National Archives and Records Administration, 1944-06-06, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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"The enthusiasm, toughness, and obvious fitness of every single man were high and the light of battle was in their eyes." -from Eisenhower's preliminary progress report.

White House Stenographer's Diary, June 6, 1944, Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum at the National Archives and Records Administration, 1944-06-06, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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The White House Stenographer's Diary from June 6, 1944.

Audio of FDR's D-Day Prayer, Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum of the National Archives and Records Administration, 1944-06-06, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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On the first night of battle, President Roosevelt went onto national radio to speak about the Normandy invasion. His speech is a prayer. 

The Coast Guard Lands the British Marines., National Archives and Records Administration, 1944-06-06, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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As the attack began, Allied troops came against formidable obstacles. Germany had thousands of soldiers dug into bunkers, defended by artillery, mines, tangled barbed wire, machine guns, and other hazards to prevent landing craft from coming ashore.  Here, the Coast Guard lands the British Marines.

Gliders bring in supplies to U.S. army troops fighting on Utah Beach. June 6, 1944., Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum of the National Archives and Records Administration, 1944-06-06, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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Gliders bring in supplies to Army troops fighting on Utah Beach.

American Medics render first aid to troops in the initial landing on Utah Beach. Les Dunes de Madeleine, Northern Coast, France. June 6, 1944., National Archives and Records Administration, 1944-06-06, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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American medics provide first aid to troops in the initial landing on Utah Beach.  Les Dunes de Madeleine.  Northern Coast, France.  

Carrying full equipment. June 6, 1944. Omaha Beach., National Archives and Records Administration, 1944-06-06, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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Carrying full equipment, American assault troops move onto Omaha Beach, Normandy.  June 6, 1944.  

Columns of Coast Guard LCI's, protected by barrage balloons against low flying Nazi strafers, advance upon the beaches of France., National Archives and Records Administration, 1944-06-06, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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Coast Guard LCIs advance onto the beaches.  They are protected by barrage balloons against the low-flying Nazi strafers.

An American medical officer bandages the hand of an American soldier. June 8, 1944., National Archives and Records Administration, 1944-06-08, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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A medical officer bandages the hand of a soldier.  

Row upon row of stretchers cover the decks of a Coast Guard LCT. (1944-06-06) by National Archives and Records AdministrationU.S. National Archives

Stretchers cover the deck of a Coast Guard boat.  About 4,900 U.S. troops were killed on D-Day.

Allied guns weave a tapestry of flame in the night skies off the Cherbourg Peninsula., National Archives and Records Administration, 1944-06-06, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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By the end of the day 155,000 Allied troops were ashore and in control of 80 square miles of the French coast.  A photo of gun fire in the night skies off the Cherbourg Peninsula.  Cherbourg was a major seaport that the Allies set to gain control of.  

"A Photographic Record of the Allied Expeditionary Forces.", 1944-06, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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"Eve of Battle." A Universal Newsreel on D-Day and the Allied Expeditionary Forces.

American soldiers march a group of German prisoners along a beachhead in Northern France. June 6, 1944., National Archives and Records Administration, 1944-06-06, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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American soldiers march German prisoners along a beachhead.  

German prisoners rest in a barb-wired enclosure on Utah Beach after being interrogated by American soldiers. June 6, 1944., Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum of the National Archives and Records Administration, 1944-06-06, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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German prisoners rest in a barbed-wire enclosure.  

Caring for men wounded in invasion of France on board an American hospital ship, LST., National Archives and Records Administration, 1944-06-06, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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Caring for the wounded on an American hospital ship.

American troops move over the crest of a hill to the interior of Northern France. June 9, 1944., Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum of the National Archives and Records Administration, 1944-06-09, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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American troops of the 8th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, move over the crest of a hill to the interior of Northern France.  June 9, 1944. 

Quiet Follows the Fury on the Beaches., National Archives and Records Administration, 1944-06-06, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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After the first days of intense fighting, Nazi forces were forced back into the interior.  The wreckage, injured, and dead were removed and Allied reinforcements traveled up the beaches of France. 

Vast landing platforms extending 1,000 yards into the channel from Omaha Beach. June 23, 1944., Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum of the National Archives and Records Administration, 1944-06-23, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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The Allies installed vast landing platforms, like the ones shown here, that extended 1000 feet into the Channel. Omaha Beach, June 23.  By June 30th, over 850,000 men, 148,000 vehicles, and 570,000 tons of supplies had landed on the Normandy shores.

Army glider pilots, among the first to land in Normandy and disrupt enemy communications, are on their way back to England., National Archives and Records Administration, 1944-06-06, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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The Normandy invasion established a solid “Second Front” in Europe. Its success left Hitler’s armies trapped in a vise, fighting the Red Army in the East and an expanding Anglo-American-Canadian force in the West.  Here, Army glider pilots who were among the first to land in Normandy and disrupt enemy communications are on their way back to England.  

French civilians place crosses at the graves of American soldiers in a cemetery on Omaha Beach, France. August 8, 1944., Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum of the National Archives and Records Administration, 1944-08-08, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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French civilians place crosses at the graves of American soldiers in a cemetery on Omaha Beach, France.  August 8, 1944.  Germany would surrender unconditionally in May, 1945.  

President Reagan at the 40th Anniversary of D-Day at Pointe du Hoc., Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum of the National Archives and Records Administration, 1984-06-06, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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On the 40th anniversary of D-Day, President Reagan spoke at Pointe du Hoc in Normandy, France.  "Their mission was one of the most difficult and daring of the invasion: to climb these sheer and desolate cliffs and take out the enemy guns...Two hundred and twenty-five came here. After two days of fighting only ninety could still bear arms."

President Reagan with former U.S. Rangers at Pointe du Hoc, Normandy, France. 6/6/84., Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum of the National Archives and Records Administration, 1984-06-06, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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President Reagan with former U.S. Rangers.  Normandy, France.  June 6, 1984.  

Pointe du Hoc Presidential Address Speech Cards, June 6, 1984. Pointe du Hoc Presidential Address Speech Cards, June 6, 1984., Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum of the National Arcvhies and Records Administration, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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The reading copy of President Reagan's speech. 

American assault troops move onto Omaha Beach, Normandy. June 6, 1944, National Archives and Records Administration, 1944-06-06, From the collection of: U.S. National Archives
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Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum—http://fdrlibrary.marist.edu/

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