How to Add Emails to Your “Allow List” by Email Client:
Below are the three main email clients used by ASPPH audiences. Visit this page for information on how to add our emails to your “allow list” using another email client.
Please Add These Sending IPs and Domains to Your Allow List:
Select Mail > Preferences > Rules > Add Rule. Type a name in Description field, such as, to identify the new rule.
Make sure the criteria reads If any of the following conditions are met and that the From field is followed by Ends with.
Enter the domain name you want to allow in the field next to the Ends with field. Add an @ sign before the domain name to make the filter specific. For example, to allow all mail from, type “” into the field.
Click the plus sign next to the last condition to add another domain with the same criteria if you want to allow several domains.
In the Perform the following actions section set the three fields to Move Message, to the mailbox, and Inbox or a different target folder.
Click OK to save the rule.
Close the Rules window.
Select Settings > Options > Junk Email > Safe Senders. In the box, enter the email addresses or domains (,,, that you want to allow, and select the Add button. Click save, you’re all set.
Login to Gmail, click on the gear icon and select Settings > Filters and blocked addresses > Create a new filter. Add the email address that you want to allow to the From field. Check the Never send to spam box and click Create Filter.
To allow more than one email address, simply add each email address separated by the pipe symbol. For example: “ |”.
Above, we allowed a single email address. It’s also possible to allow all emails from a domain. By adding to the From field instead of, you can allow every email address belonging to
If these tips do not solve the problem, contact us at for assistance.