
645 Pins
115K views · 12K reactions | 🦋 One of the most frequent comments I hear, in relation to getting fit, is “I don’t know where to start!” 🙏 If you have difficulty getting up off the floor, then start with these three movements. 🦋 Squats and lunges will help strengthen your thigh muscles and jumping (small, pounding jumps) will help enhance bone growth #mobility #mobilityexercises #flexibility #movement #movementismedicine #hipmobility #injuryprevention #physiotherapy #spinehealth #athlete #fit #fitness #movementislife #movementismedicine #mobility #MobilityTraining #humanpotential #MoveBetterLiveBetter #PainFreeLiving #movementculture #unlockyourpotential #injurypreventiontraining #flexibility #mobilityexercises | Dr. Kaye Cleave
115K views · 12K reactions | 🦋 One of the most frequent comments I hear, in relation to getting fit, is “I don’t know where to start!” 🙏 If you have difficulty getting up off the floor, then start with these three movements. 🦋 Squats and lunges will help strengthen your thigh muscles and jumping (small, pounding jumps) will help enhance bone growth #mobility #mobilityexercises #flexibility #movement #movementismedicine #hipmobility #injuryprevention #physiotherapy #spinehealth #athlete #fit #fitness #movementislife #movementismedicine #mobility #MobilityTraining #humanpotential #MoveBetterLiveBetter #PainFreeLiving #movementculture #unlockyourpotential #injurypreventiontraining #flexibility #mobilityexercises | Dr. Kaye Cleave
2.4M views · 27K reactions | Don’t let a decline happen to you! | These balance exercises go from easiest to hardest! Do all 3 for 20 seconds each for 3 to 5 times! #seniorfitness #fallprevention #balance | By Grow Young Fitness | Facebook
2.4M views · 27K reactions | Don’t let a decline happen to you! | These balance exercises go from easiest to hardest! Do all 3 for 20 seconds each for 3 to 5 times! #seniorfitness #fallprevention #balance | By Grow Young Fitness | Facebook
641K views · 8.1K reactions | When you’re feeling tired or low on energy, gentle exercises can make a world of difference, even if it’s just small movements from the comfort of your bed. These exercises help improve circulation, ease stiffness, and release feel-good endorphins, which can boost your mood and energy levels. For sedentary individuals, gentle movement is a lifeline—it’s about starting where you are, not pushing too hard. These small efforts keep your body active, support your joints, and prevent further loss of strength and mobility. Over time, these gentle moments add up, helping you feel more capable and connected to your body. #beginnerworkout #homeworkout #fitness #fitnessforlife #mobility | Justin Agustin
641K views · 8.1K reactions | When you’re feeling tired or low on energy, gentle exercises can make a world of difference, even if it’s just small movements from the comfort of your bed. These exercises help improve circulation, ease stiffness, and release feel-good endorphins, which can boost your mood and energy levels. For sedentary individuals, gentle movement is a lifeline—it’s about starting where you are, not pushing too hard. These small efforts keep your body active, support your joints, and prevent further loss of strength and mobility. Over time, these gentle moments add up, helping you feel more capable and connected to your body. #beginnerworkout #homeworkout #fitness #fitnessforlife #mobility | Justin Agustin
308K views · 7.4K reactions | Bài tập linh hoạt vùng vai mà không cần hỗ trợ. Mọi người tập theo Sơn và để lại cảm nhận bên dưới nhé! #vungocson | Vũ Ngọc Sơn
308K views · 7.4K reactions | Bài tập linh hoạt vùng vai mà không cần hỗ trợ. Mọi người tập theo Sơn và để lại cảm nhận bên dưới nhé! #vungocson | Vũ Ngọc Sơn
121K views · 1.9K reactions | Boost Your Leg Life: Increase Your Circulation! | Motiv
121K views · 1.9K reactions | Boost Your Leg Life: Increase Your Circulation! | Motiv
18K views · 10K reactions | Shoulder pain relief exercise ✅ #shoulderpain #rotatorcuff #reels #draqibjamal | Dr Aqib Jamal
18K views · 10K reactions | Shoulder pain relief exercise ✅ #shoulderpain #rotatorcuff #reels #draqibjamal | Dr Aqib Jamal
81K views · 35K reactions | Bài tập giúp khoẻ vùng vai tay, giảm đau nhức. Hãy tập ngay nhé 💡 #vuducmanh #vumanhyhoccotruyen #tips #shoulderpain #shoulders | VŨ ĐỨC MẠNH
81K views · 35K reactions | Bài tập giúp khoẻ vùng vai tay, giảm đau nhức. Hãy tập ngay nhé 💡 #vuducmanh #vumanhyhoccotruyen #tips #shoulderpain #shoulders | VŨ ĐỨC MẠNH
21K views · 452 reactions | 5 exercises that you can do daily to get some much needed movement throughout your #seniorfitness #mobility #stability #fitnesstips #exercisetips #cardio #exercisesforseniors #seniorliving #aging #cardioeasy #funexercises #lowimpact | Grow Young Fitness
21K views · 452 reactions | 5 exercises that you can do daily to get some much needed movement throughout your #seniorfitness #mobility #stability #fitnesstips #exercisetips #cardio #exercisesforseniors #seniorliving #aging #cardioeasy #funexercises #lowimpact | Grow Young Fitness
866K views · 30K reactions | 6 Palm Self healing Tips!! #reaction #reactionvideo #everyone #followers #massage #healing | By Dumaguete Home and Hotel Service Massage | Facebook
866K views · 30K reactions | 6 Palm Self healing Tips!! #reaction #reactionvideo #everyone #followers #massage #healing | By Dumaguete Home and Hotel Service Massage | Facebook
Conquer the stairs with confidence! https://link.weshape.com/fb-quiz-Q224LF15 Learn essential tips to go up and down without pain. Mastering these moves... | By WeShape | Does it hurt really bad when you're walking down the stairs like this? Well, it's probably for three reasons, alright? And that is, you don't have good coordination means you have bad form, right? You're not using all the right muscles and you don't have enough strength. Well, in this video, I'm going to show you how to fix all three of those things. You can walk up and down the stairs in a way that feels good and it's pain free. For part one, we're going to be focusing on going up the stairs with good form, activating the right muscles, and using better coordination, and making sure we're gaining the strength in the right muscles of the body to help us do this in a way that actually feels good on the body. Now, the common mistake people make when going upstairs is this, they put their foot on the step and they only put the ball of their footstep, their heel dangles off the edge. Then, when they come up, they bring their knee far in front of their toes and they bring their body weight in front like this. So, really what you're doing is relying on your knees joint to bring you up the stairs. Now, there's nothing wrong with bringing your knee in front of your toes as long as your quad and your knee joint is strong enough to support that but for most people, it's not and so they neglect using other muscles like their glutes and their hamstrings which you can use when going upstairs. So, I'm going to teach you how to do that. Secondarily, is people's knees cave inward like this as they go up the stairs which often puts wear and tear on the inside and outside of your knee wearing down your meniscus causing knee pain. So, we're going to make sure that the entire time your knee goes the same direction as your toes. It doesn't wobble in like this. So to start, here's what we're going to do. We're going to put our foot flat on the step and we're going to have it all the way on the step. Ideally, all the way your heel, everything. From there, before we step up, I'm not going to bring my knee forward and press up with my head. I'm going to bow forward, hinging through the hip until I feel a little stretch in my glutes and my hamstrings. From there, I'm going to push my whole foot down to the step, use handrail for support, knees going the same direction as toes and I'm going to slowly extend my hip and come back to a vertical position. So again, instead of thinking about my head driving me up the stairs, I'm thinking about my hips coming forward which then drives my head up the stairs, okay? So, as you practice this movement, go slowly up, pressing your full foot in the ground, extending the hips, and then slowly back down using the handrail as minimal as possible for support and so what this looks like is time you come up against the staircase, you're going to practice doing this slowly and with good form because if you slow it down and practice this with good form for the next month or two, it's actually going to change the way that you're able to walk up and down the stairs, okay? So, it looks like this. Put your foot flat, knee over toes, hinge to the hips, load the glute, push down on the foot, extend the hip. Now, switch legs, put your foot flat, knee over toes, you can still use the handrail, push your foot down, bow forward, load the hip, extend all the way through the hip like this and you continue like that as you go up and down the stairs. So, make sure you practice this every time you go up the stairs because it's going to help strengthen those muscles, help load you through the glute, help remove those improper form things that you're doing that are causing pain inside your knee and it's going to make going up the stairs feel a whole lot better. For part two, we're going to be talking about going down the stairs. The number one problem people do when they're going down the stairs is this, they bring their center of gravity in front of their body which means bringing your knee over your toes, not having enough strength in that knee to be able to do so and then, you just kind of fall to the next step creating impact on the joint that you're landing on at the same time. In order to fix this, we need to make sure that you're changing the way you're walking down the stairs to effectively use all the muscles of your legs and making it a lot easier on your knees and your hips and even your lower back as you're doing this movement. So, focus on form first. To start, as we descend the stairs, we don't bring our center of gravity in front of us and fall down the stairs. Instead, we start by bringing our butt backwards like this and stepping down with our toe. So, the first movement is simply practicing going down one step while using a handrail for support. So, first, grab the handrail, find your balance on one foot, and then lift your other leg and point your toes down like this. Now, from there, make sure your knee goes the same direction as your toes as you start to descend the steps, okay? Now, instead of bringing your body weight forward, we're going to push our butt backwards trying to reach the next step down with our toes. Once we've done that, we can reverse the motion by bringing our body weight backwards, putting the weight in our heel, and extending the hip like this. Simply practicing this motion slowly coming down, hinging through the hips like this, and then pressing back up to the top position can build the strength of the quad, the hamstring, the glutes, and even the calves to help you descend the stairs in a way that feels more pain free. Now, if this is still too difficult for you, what we can do is start out by shrinking the range of motion. So, from here, what we do is this, point the toes, hinge the hips, and just come a little bit of the ways down and then, come back up. Even if it's just a subtle knee and hip bend like this, pausing and then slowly coming back up. We're practicing good form, good motion, recruiting all of the muscles of the leg instead of just bringing your knee in front of our toes using just our quad and hurting our knee jump. So again, what you can do is as you go down the stairs, practice this on every single step. You might be way up here and start, point your toes, push your butt back, come to the knee, plant your foot, transfer your weight. Now, point your toes, push your butt back, bend to the knee, and transfer your weight down like this. By practicing slowly as you approach your stairs, you're going to start building that strength gradually over time that's going to make your body feel so much better as you go down stairs because you fix coordination, your core form, you're working with all the muscles there and you're gaining strength 'cuz you're practicing this slowly and with more intention. I really hope that these tips helped you feel better walking up and down the stairs. Hopefully, your knees, your hips, your lower back feels significantly better and by the way, if you want to feel better across your whole body, gain strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination. Well, that's what we do at WeShape. We teach you how to move your body better so that you feel better in your body. We do this with customized workouts, follow stretching routines and so much more. You want to check it out and try it out for free? All you gotta do is click the link above.
Conquer the stairs with confidence! https://link.weshape.com/fb-quiz-Q224LF15 Learn essential tips to go up and down without pain. Mastering these moves... | By WeShape | Does it hurt really bad when you're walking down the stairs like this? Well, it's probably for three reasons, alright? And that is, you don't have good coordination means you have bad form, right? You're not using all the right muscles and you don't have enough strength. Well, in this video, I'm going to show you how to fix all three of those things. You can walk up and down the stairs in a way that feels good and it's pain free. For part one, we're going to be focusing on going up the stairs with good form, activating the right muscles, and using better coordination, and making sure we're gaining the strength in the righ
12M views · 539K reactions | Transform your health in 6 minutes | Every organ has its own intelligence, its own vibration and frequency. Each organ is quite unique having it’s own specific emotions, season, colours,... | By Calligraphy Health Master Yang | Facebook
413K views · 3.9K reactions | Getting off the Floor Without Pain: A Skill You Can Learn! 👉🏻 Join the Move Smarter Get Up Standup Program, now available at a special sale price of $19 - for Lifetime Access! Registration opens January 7th and runs until January 17th—don’t wait! 👉 Comment “1111” to learn more about this life-changing program! 🛑 What if you found yourself on the floor and couldn’t get up? For many, this fear is very real—and it can hold you back from living a vibrant, independent life. Whether it’s playing with your kids or grandkids, gardening, or just feeling confident in your daily movements, the ability to get up off the floor is essential. Yet, so many people avoid it out of fear or discomfort. 💡 Here’s the good news: Getting up off the floor doesn’t require brute strength—it’s a skill you can learn. In the Move Smarter: Get Up, Stand Up Program, you’ll discover simple, pain-free techniques to: ✅ Build confidence and reduce fear of falling. ✅ Reclaim activities you love, like playing, gardening, and more. ✅ Learn strategies tailored to your body—no gym muscles required! 👉 Comment “1111” to learn more about this life-changing program! Remember Sale Ends January 17th This reel is just one example of how you can master the skill of getting up off the floor—easily, safely, and without pain. Imagine how freeing it will feel to know you’re in control of your movements again. 🌟 💬 Comment “1111” below to take the first step toward independence, confidence, and vitality! #MoveSmarterNotHarder #GetUpStandUp #MobilityForLife #PainFreeLiving #IndependentLiving #BrainPlasticity #FunctionalFitness | Move Therapies
413K views · 3.9K reactions | Getting off the Floor Without Pain: A Skill You Can Learn! 👉🏻 Join the Move Smarter Get Up Standup Program, now available at a special sale price of $19 - for Lifetime Access! Registration opens January 7th and runs until January 17th—don’t wait! 👉 Comment “1111” to learn more about this life-changing program! 🛑 What if you found yourself on the floor and couldn’t get up? For many, this fear is very real—and it can hold you back from living a vibrant, independent life. Whether it’s playing with your kids or grandkids, gardening, or just feeling confident in your daily movements, the ability to get up off the floor is essential. Yet, so many people avoid it out of fear or discomfort. 💡 Here’s the good news: Getting up off the floor doesn’t require br
1M views · 14K reactions | Do this if you have blurry eyesight! 👀 It's the double ear pull maneuver! that's releases the fascia around your eyes. When you work with the fascia, magic happens. You can find it on our YouTube channel at Human Garage TV. If you want to learn in depth about fascial maneuvers, our philosophy and protocols that create lasting change in thousands of peoples lives and health you can enrol into our next 28 days life reset program that happens twice per month. Head to our website humangarage.net for more info! | Human Garage
1M views · 14K reactions | Do this if you have blurry eyesight! 👀 It's the double ear pull maneuver! that's releases the fascia around your eyes. When you work with the fascia, magic happens. You can find it on our YouTube channel at Human Garage TV. If you want to learn in depth about fascial maneuvers, our philosophy and protocols that create lasting change in thousands of peoples lives and health you can enrol into our next 28 days life reset program that happens twice per month. Head to our website humangarage.net for more info! | Human Garage
93K views · 451 reactions | How to sequence getting on and off the floor from the couch. Equipment Store paid link!**** www.vipseniorcarespecialists.com/equipment Just had a recent surgery? New onset of pain? Or had a decline in mobility and balance? Still struggling? Reach out today to see how we can help. 567-454-1046 or www.vipseniorcarespecialists.com Disclaimer: this is not medical advice. Consult your doctor if you are having pain or mobility limitations. #caregiver #caregivers #caregiversupport #caregivertips #healthcare #health #healthcareworkers #pain #geriatrics #falls #fallprevention #parkinsons #rollingwalker #stairs #dementia #homecare #homehealth #wellness #stna #cna #nurse #surgery #tka #orthopedics#surgeryrecovery #surgerypain #kneepain #kneereplacement #totalkneesurgery #physicaltherapy #physicaltherapist #physicaltherapyassistant #physicaltherapystudent #seniors #seniorcitizens #seniorcare #seniorcaregiver #seniorliving #floortransfers #seniormobility #SeniorSafety | VIP Therapy
93K views · 451 reactions | How to sequence getting on and off the floor from the couch. Equipment Store paid link!**** www.vipseniorcarespecialists.com/equipment Just had a recent surgery? New onset of pain? Or had a decline in mobility and balance? Still struggling? Reach out today to see how we can help. 567-454-1046 or www.vipseniorcarespecialists.com Disclaimer: this is not medical advice. Consult your doctor if you are having pain or mobility limitations. #caregiver #caregivers #caregiversupport #caregivertips #healthcare #health #healthcareworkers #pain #geriatrics #falls #fallprevention #parkinsons #rollingwalker #stairs #dementia #homecare #homehealth #wellness #stna #cna #nurse #surgery #tka #orthopedics#surgeryrecovery #surgerypain #kneepain #kneereplacement #totalkneesurgery #p