Daniela Edburg"Drop Dead Gorgeous"女の子の大好きなお菓子などが原因の変な死に方アート
yoshiii のブックマーク 2007/06/14 20:19
Drop Dead Gorgeous - The Morning News[art][photo][*おいしいごはんの話][ネタ][アイデア][おもしろサイト][おもしろかった][かわいい]Daniela Edburg"Drop Dead Gorgeous"女の子の大好きなお菓子などが原因の変な死に方アート2007/06/14 20:19
Daniela Edburg"Drop Dead Gorgeous"女の子の大好きなお菓子などが原因の変な死に方アート
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The Morning News: How did you come up with the idea for this series? Daniela Edburg: I started this series in 2001 for my art school thesis. I painted back then, and I wanted to do a series of rema...
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Daniela Edburg"Drop Dead Gorgeous"女の子の大好きなお菓子などが原因の変な死に方アート
Drop Dead Gorgeous - The Morning News
The Morning News: How did you come up with the idea for this series? Daniela Edburg: I started this series in 2001 for my art school thesis. I painted back then, and I wanted to do a series of rema...
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