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How to Share Your Wi-Fi Connection Like a Pro Life can be hard sometimes. It’s hard when you have guests, and their kids want to know your Wi-Fi password, because they can’t live for an hour without playing that online game. Or maybe it’s not that bad! Maybe you want to start a home business, and an Internet connection would help make your offer more attractive. Think registering your home with Ai
Thank you for participating in the Flash Player beta program. As Flash Player approaches its scheduled end of life, we are transitioning beta customers to the secure release build of Flash Player. No action is required on your part, the update process is automatic. For customers that would like to remove Flash Player from their systems, please see our easy to follow instructions for uninstalling o
You can download the very same barcode-scanner we use here as a flash component. The component is released under Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 You may use the component as you like (even commercially) You may however not remove nor hide the clickable logo from the component. If you should happen to build something cool around our component, we would be very happy to know about it, and possi
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