How-To: Make a Wii laptop, part 3 - the final installment Ok, we're back again for the thrilling conclusion of how-to make your own Wii laptop! In today's final installment we'll cut the case for the laptop, install all the parts, attach the screen and sound amplifier, and then connect everything together. Hopefully the extra detail [which, Ben tells us, is far beyond what he usually provides on h
Last week we showed Ben Heckendorn's Wii laptop to the world (as I speak of myself in the third person). In today's How-To, part 1 of 3, we'll describe how this mod was accomplished, starting with the disassembly of the unit, initial computer drawings, and "reworking" of the heat sink. A week from now, part 2 will cover the rebuilding of the Wii internals as well as the design of the case. Finally
It's the Wii laptop! We spent the last few weeks (including much time spent over the holidays evading relatives) slaving over this bad boy and finally it's complete. Check out the features: 16:9 widescreen LCD, 7-inch diagonal. Stereo sound Gamecube controller port Built-in short range Sensor Bar Ports for using original Sensor Bar and A/V output jacks (for use on external display) Built-in power
1 番組の途中ですが名無しです 投稿日:2007/01/20(土) 18:50:35 ID:fwbpMWIq0 ?BRZ(5060) ポイント特典 誰かがいつかはやるだろうと思われていたWiiのポータブル化がついに実現しました。 作者はモバイルXbox 360やニンテンドー64ポータブルも製作したゲーム機ハックの巨匠BenHeckこと Benjamin Heckendorn師。年末の数週間を費やして完成したポータブルWiiのスペックは: 7インチ16:9液晶ディスプレイ ステレオスピーカー 内蔵センサーバー ACアダプタ内蔵・電源コードを本体に収納可能 外部モニタ用映像・音声出力、外付けセンサーバーポート サイズは215x195x50mm (純正Wii本体は215x157x44mm。) バーチャルコンソールやゼルダのようなゲームは7インチ液晶で、 多人数プレイは外部の大画面と切り換えて遊べ