English: Conversion of a DICOM-format X-ray from a ten year old male showing polydactyly. This is the patient's left hand, posterior-anterior projection. Identifying tags and such have been stripped.
Other languages:
Bosanski: Konverzija DICOM-formata rentgenskog snimka desetogodišnjeg dječaka sa polidaktilijom. Ovo je pacijentova lijeva ruka, posterior-anterior projekcija. Oznaka za identifikaciju je skinuta.
Dansk: Røntgenbillede af en ti-årig drengs venstre hånd, der har seks fingre, såkaldt polydactyli. Set posterior-anterior.
Deutsch: Röntgenaufnahme einer hexadaktylen linken Hand eines zehnjährigen männlichen Kindes. Allgemein bezeichnet die Polydaktylie das Vorhandensein zusätzlicher Finger oder Zehen, im häufigsten Fall von genau sechs Fingern oder Zehen wird die erbliche Anomalie konkret als Hexadaktylie bezeichnet.
English: Conversion of a DICOM-format X-ray from a ten year old male showing polydactyly. This is the patient's left hand, posterior-anterior projection. Identifying tags and such have been stripped.
Español: Conversión de una placa de rayos X en formato DICOM de la mano izquierda de un niño de 10 años aquejado de polidactilia.
Français : Radiographie de la main gauche (projection postérieure-antérieure) d'un jeune patient (10 ans) présentant une polydactylie.
Magyar: Polidaktiliában (sokujjúság) szenvedő tízéves fiú kezének röntgenképe
Nederlands: Een Röntgenopname van een hexadactiele, d.i. zesvingerige, linker hand van een tienjarige jongen. Poly-, veel en hexa-, zes (van oud Grieks): bij deze erfelijke anomalie gaat het meestal om één extra vinger of teen.
Polski: Zdjęcie rentgenowskie lewej ręki dziesięcioletniego chłopca z polidaktylią.
Română: Conversie a unei radiografii în format DICOM a mâinii unui băiat de zece ani care prezintă polidactilie. Aceasta este mâna stângă a pacientului, proiecție posterior-anterior. Au fost eliminate etichetele de identificare.
This is a featured picture on the Arabic language Wikipedia (صور مختارة) and is considered one of the finest images. See its nomination here. This is a featured picture on the English language Wikipedia (Featured pictures) and is considered one of the finest images. See its nomination here. This is a featured picture on the Persian language Wikipedia (نگارههای برگزیده) and is considered one of the finest images. See its nomination here. This is a featured picture on the Turkish language Wikipedia (Seçkin resimler) and is considered one of the finest images. See its nomination here.
English: Conversion of a DICOM-format X-ray from a patient of en:User:Drgnu23, a ten year old male. This is the patient's left hand, posterior-anterior projection. Identifying tags and such have been stripped. The image is his, released under the GFDL. The image was subsequently altered by en:user:Grendelkhan, en:user: Raul654, and en:user:Solipsist.
Français : Radiographie de la main gauche (projection postérieure-antérieure) d'un jeune patient (10 ans) de Drgnu23 présentant une polydactylie.
العربية: صُورة بِالأشعَّة السينيَّة لِيد طفلٍ، التُقطت بِواسطة المُستخدم Drgnu23. يبلغ الطفل عشرُ سنواتٍ من العُمر، وما يظهر هو يده اليُسرى، مُصوَّرة بِالإسقاط الخلفي الأمامي. وقد أُزيلت منها علامات التعريف وما شابه من شارات كانت مُخصصة لِلطبيب المُشخِّص.
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Hexadaktyle rechte Hand eines zehnjährigen Jungen im Röntgenbild
Conversion of a DICOM-format X-ray from a patient of User:Drgnu23, a ten year old male. This is the patient's left hand, anterior-posterior view. Identifying tags and such have been stripped. The image is his, released under the GFDL. The image was
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