
543 Pins
Опыт постройки и эксплуатации мотолодки тримарана «Радуга-46» (Опыт эксплуатации)
Постройка мотолодки «Дельфин» по безразмерным выкройкам (Моторные лодки)
Постройка мотолодки «Дельфин» по безразмерным выкройкам (Проекты / Моторные лодки) - Barque.ru
US3996869A - Dihedral tunnel boat hull
US3996869A - Dihedral tunnel boat hull - Google Patents
US6216622B1 - Boat hull with center V-hull and sponsons
US6216622B1 - Boat hull with center V-hull and sponsons - Google Patents
New luxury electric vehicle collection can be yours (for just £9m)
The hydrafoil electric speedboat is being developed by Gray Design in Sweden. It will feature a single 100hp electric motor running on a series of lithium ion batteries. Once the foil has lifted the boat clear of the water, it can go on to reach a stable top speed of 40 knots with a range of 45 miles on a single charge