Teacher Appreciation Ideas
Teacher appreciation Ideas to inspire PTOs, PTAs, and school volunteers for celebrating teacher appreciation all year long.
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Free Wicked Awesome Teacher Appreciation Week Ideas and Free Printables
What's included in this free Teacher Appreciation Week bundle: 🪄 Our Teachers and Staff are "Wicked Awesome" Teacher Appreciation Week Itinerary 🪄 "Wicked Refreshing" Hydration Station - includes themed flavored water recipes 🪄 Witch's Brew for All That You Do coffee + treats 🪄 POPular Popcorn + Soda (Pop) Bar 🪄 Our Teachers and Staff are "Wicked Sweet"...Make Your Own Snacklebox Treat 🪄 Flying Monkeys! Make Your Own Banana Split Bar #pto #pta #parent #roomparent