Chemistry - Doctor of Philosophy

This is an archived copy of the 2023-2024 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

The Ph.D. in chemistry is offered in the major emphasis areas of analytical, inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry and biochemistry. The graduate program is designed to teach students modern approaches to chemistry and biochemistry (courses), experimental methods to problem–solving  (research), and communication skills in the discipline (seminars and colloquia). Ph.D. candidates are required to complete the courses below, pass a qualifying exam after the first year, pass both a written and oral comprehensive exam before the fourth year, and prepare a written thesis and pass a final oral examination. 

Prefix Title Credits
CHEM 475Central Concepts in Chemistry - Safety1
CHEM 476Central Concepts in Chemistry - Research Ethics1
CHEM 477Central Concepts in Chemistry - ProfessionalDevelopment1
CHEM 501Central Concepts in Chemistry - Energy3
CHEM 502Central Concepts in Chemistry - Structure3
CHEM 503Central Concepts in Chemistry - Dynamics3
CHEM 504Central Concepts in Chemistry - Measurements3
Graduate student seminars6-12
Graduate Student Seminar 11
Comprehensive Literature Review Seminar for Graduate Students 21
Additional Required Courses 36-12
Research Credits 424-54
Total Credits51-93

Beginning in the second semester, all Ph.D. students must enroll in 1 credit of CHEM 510 Graduate Student Seminar, attending each semester. At least two credits of CHEM 510 must be taken for a letter grade of B- or better. The remaining CHEM 510 credits may be taken as S/U.


CHEM 520 Comprehensive Literature Review Seminar for Graduate Students is given on a topic of the student's choice as part of the Comprehensive Exam and will be assigned a letter grade. A grade of C+ or lower will require the student to repeat the course a maximum of once. 


Additional courses in subsequent years are chosen based on major emphasis area, through consultation with the thesis committee. 


At least 18 credits must be either  CHEM 700 Doctoral Dissertation or BCHE 700 Doctoral Dissertation. 700-level research credits are taken after the completion of the comprehensive exam. Remaining credits can be CHEM 600 Research or BCHE 600 Research