Alternative Data Access Methods
- CDAWeb Browser interface for plots,listings and CDFs (both original and creation of sub/super-set CDFs)
- HTTPS access to original CDFs
- (FTPS required) FTPS access to original data CDFs
- REST Web Services interface and example use.
- SOAP Web Services interface and example use.
- Python CDAS web services package and ai.cdas package.
- Scripts to keep up-to-date on data files for particular datasets:
- IDL software - reads CDFs and selected Netcdfs, plots, lists and creates subset/superset CDFs (the software that underlies CDAWeb).
- Extremely easy to use IDL software that provides direct access to CDAWeb held data files.
- CREADER : Load data from CDAWeb directly into IDL 7.1+ with specified variables, and optional spike editing and binning and interpolation that produce uniform time series at a chosen time resolution.
- SPEDAS : Space
Physics Environment Data Analysis Software - IDL-based plotting, analysis, and data downloading tools.
- pySPEDAS : Python implementation of many SPEDAS plotting,
analysis, and downloading tools.
- Autoplot (non-NASA) JAVA interface to public CDAWeb database.
- Heliophysics Application Programmer's Interface (HAPI) streaming protocol using HAPI IDL, Python, and other clients from CDAWeb HAPI.
Here is an example script to read the SPDF filelist.gz catalog, and new download CDFs and netCDFs since the last time the script was run. This example selects only CDF and netCDF files, but that constraint can be removed. The script outputs spdf_new_files and spdf_deleted_files from the difference of new and old SPDF file lists, and retrieves new files, skipping any patterns in spdf_skipfiles or selecting only files matching patterns in spdf_choosefiles.