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- To GDPpc PRI Rel. To GDPpc % of Teachers with MA & training Developed countries 14 0.17 0.03 28.59 5.14 532 74 29347 7071 24 38465 1.36 2.10 22 18 EEC countries 13 0.01 0.00 26.26 6.39 494 79 10544 3486 24 10958 0.76 1.39 18 21 Developing countries 18-0.03-0.06 36.47 8.17 397 85 7653 1351 20 na na 2.66 6 33 World mean (total) 45 0.05-0.01 30.74 6.64 471 80 14846 4208 23 36173 1.31 2.12 15 24 (3): Weighted Least Squares estimates. Source: Table 7.; Pupil Fixed Effects estimates. Source: Table 7. Note that these ‘effects’ represent the number of SD by which student achievement would fall if there was a 1 SD increase in class-size. Thus, a 1 SD reduction in class-size in developing countries (by a large 8.2 pupils per class) would increase student achievement by 0.06 SD.
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